Welcome to Tooele Messianic Fellowship
A Place to Grow in Faith and Community
We strive to emulate the faith and practice of the earliest community of Yeshua’s Disciples.
What do we Believe ?
We recognize the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -the God of Israel - as the One True God. We believe that we are saved by grace through YHVH (God) the Father, by faith in Yeshua the Son and his atoning death on the cross, with the indwelling of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). We believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the true Jewish Messiah, prophesied throughout the writings of the Hebrew Scriptures (Tanakh). We believe that being Messianic or following Torah does not change your Gentile or Jewish identity.
Who are we ?
We are a fellowship of disciples of Yeshua HaMashiach - Jesus the Messiah. We are Jews (Israel) or Gentiles (of the nations) in Messiah. We are Jews-in-Christ and Gentiles-in-Christ. We do not represent any branch of Rabbinic Judaism, or any denomination of Christianity. We retain our distinct Jewish or gentile identities in Yeshua.
What do we Practice ?
We celebrate the festivals of the Lord, and we observe the 7th day Sabbath as both Jewish and gentile disciples of Yeshua did. We celebrate the new moon and festival dates using the Hebrew Calendar (Hillel II). We use Jesus’ Hebrew name (Yeshua) as a continual reminder that He is a Jew. Salvation comes to the Jew first, then to the gentile. We strive to lead lives in this age that conform to the teachings, life, and ministry of Yeshua and his apostles.
What is Salvation ?
By believing in Yeshua's sacrifice and his resurrection from the grave you can be spared from His righteous wrath and inherit the eternal kingdom of God.